MBIF GChB DC Timberwind’s Habanera de Carmencita MC LCX2
AKC Registration #: HP43301005
DOB: 7/8/2012
Breeder(s): Kathy Kraft & Wendy Anderson
Owner(s): Brianne Butcher
Carmen was my first ibizan hound and introduction into the world of dog shows and performance events. As a tiny puppy, her litter was featured on the Animal Planet Series: Too Cute, and Carmen's engaging personality earned her star status! When it was time for Carmen to start showing in conformation, she took the reins and demanded attention in the ring with her fiery personality and magnetic gaze. She continued to excel in the show ring with balanced structure and precise, effortless movement, earning her Bronze Grand Championship. Though she enjoyed showing with the many friends she has made along the way, Carmen and I teamed up in the past and she was 2nd in the nation for 2014 and 2015 in the AKC National Owner-Handler series. Carmen is also a driven lure courser with multiple Best in Field wins. She has contributed to the sport of lure coursing by assisting to qualify over 50 hounds! Carmen is the most intelligent and inventive dog that I have owned, which keeps me on my toes at home, but makes me appreciate her unique charisma that much more. Even though she never had puppies of her own, she is a loving kennel-mother and leader of her ibizan family here at Hart hounds.
Carmen's Photo Album:

AKC Bronze Grand Champion
AKC Dual Champion
AKC Group Placer
Hound Specialty Best Brace in Show winner
AKC Lure Coursing Top 15 Ibizan: #7 in 2016, #6 in 2017, 2019 #8, 2021 #15
AKC Field Champion
AKC Lure Courser Excellent 2
AKC Master Courser
2019 SSIH Ibizan Hound Lure Coursing Specialty BOB winner (out of veteran stakes!)
2x AKC Best in Field Winner
Assisted in qualifying 50+ hounds for AKC lure coursing
Health Tests:
More Fun Facts about Carmen:
Favorite songs: Barracuda by Heart and Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
Favorite food: avocado sushi roll and caramel frappachino
Best Friends: Carmen's best friends include Libbie, Kim, Shawna, Memo, and Barbara (sorry if I forgot anyone but Carmen is quite the socialite and it is hard to keep up!).
Favorite Activity: Morning back rubs and trips with the blondie to Starbucks for 'coffee talk'